The Bowels of Hell

Built for Doom 2 with the GZDoom Editor and a team of 4.

Nexus Mod Page:

Core Responsibilities:

  • Map design for MAP02, the first map in our map pack.

  • Map design for MAP05, the first boss fight in our map pack.


  • Learned the GZDoom editor with no prior experience.

  • Designed MAP02 with with 3 distinct areas utilizing different Doom playstyles to complete.

  • Implemented a hidden collectible system in MAP02 that rewards the player in the final encounter.

  • Built MAP05 to compliment its boss and enhance the boss fight.


Video Playthrough

MAP02 at 1:29 - 9:09
MAP05 at 26:43 - 29:42


MAP02 - The Shores of Greater Evil

MAP05 - It

About the Project

This Doom 2 map pack was made in collaboration with 3 other classmates using the GZDoom editor. We were tasked with selecting any modable game, pitching an original mod, and then completing it over the course of a semester.

My personal contributions included designing, implementing, and iterating on two maps: The Shores of Greater Evil, the first custom map in our pack, and It, the first custom boss fight in our pack.

I had never played Doom nor used the GZDoom editor before. It made for quite an enjoyable challenge. Lots of research and testing was required to get to get the right feel for the levels.

Our group was able to finish early and devoted extra time to polishing. Our final grade was an A.



