I Didn’t Vote For That!

GMTK 2020 Game Jam Submission using Unity and C#.

Project Link: https://budget-baron.itch.io/i-didnt-vote-for-that

Scripts: https://github.com/kjl8898/IDVFT-Scripts/tree/main/_Scripts

Core Responsibilities:

  • Rapidly designed and prototyped a city builder for the theme “out of control.”

  • Created the systems for randomly constructing buildings.

  • Kit bashed art assets from multiple asset packs to form a consistent ascetic.


  • Solo designed and programmed in 48 hours.

  • Coordinated with an external music artist.

Kit Bashed Assets

I Didn't Vote For That! was coded by myself. I kit bashed art assets from multiple asset packs and worked with my brother who produced the music track. The game was entirely designed and created in 48 hours. The theme for the jam was "Out Of Control."

I Didn't Vote For That! is a resource management city builder where the player cannot decide exactly what building is built. Instead, the player selects a land tile and a random building out of 3 types is selected. Each building has its own production and costs. Each land type also produces different types of resources. The player must survive 30 in game days like this.

The game can quickly become a frantic balance of building on the right tiles to balance deficits. This is the most fun way to play, so a mechanic was added to facilitate this after playtesting. If a player does not build for a few in game days, the game will randomly build a new building. This prevents the player from equalizing their resources and simply waiting out the timer.

Making the game was a great experience in designing, sifting through documentation, and balancing.




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