HvZ@RIT Minecraft

Built for Minecraft using Java and the Bukkit API

Core Responsibilities:

  • Building a Humans Vs Zombies tag framework for Minecraft.

  • Designing and iterating a virtual “stun” mechanic.

  • Implementing special items and zombie types.

  • Creating custom ranged items.

  • Running extensive external playtesting.

  • Coordinating with multiple other teams including mission design, map/server hosts, art, streaming, and moderator teams.


  • Ran extensive playtests with HvZ club members. Lots of feedback was used to polish the game before launch.

  • No prior knowledge of Minecraft modding. Documentation was key!

  • The full project was developed and launched within 3 months. The game lasted 3 hours with over 100 concurrent players.


Video of the Live Game

(Gameplay starts at 21:43)


Three months, no experience, and a successful 3 hour game with 100 concurrent players

How does a primarily in-person Humans Vs. Zombies club run during the pandemic?

That was the problem my team had to solve. I presented the idea of a Minecraft HvZ game. Lightweight, moddable, and accessible. When the project was finally set in motion, I spent three months solo developing the Bukkit plugin while spearheading networking and coordination for the HvZ@RIT Minecraft Event.

I had rarely played Minecraft, never built a plugin for it, and rarely touched Java. In three months I was able to learn, develop, playtest, and iterate upon a Bukkit plugin that translated the core concepts of college HvZ into Minecraft.


Scallywag - Halo 4


Teen Spirit